Mt. Kare in Wrightwood, CA.
Departing: CHS on Monday, August 5 at 10:30 am
Returning: CHS on Friday, August 9 at 11:30 am
What to Bring With You On Monday (8/5)
Arrive on Monday dressed to run, with a packed lunch and a full water bottle. You will eat on the bus and run at camp as soon as we are settled in our cabins.
If you are bringing medication it will need to be checked in with Coach Carvalho before you board the bus. Please bring all medication in a Ziploc bag, clearly labeled with your name. All medication will be stored under lock and key in the Head Coach’s cabin. Students will be required to proceed to the Coach’s cabin at the time they are prescribed to take the medicine.
We are asking for camp snack/drink donations from each camper and we will be collecting these before they board the bus.
Snack Donations are based on last name
A – D: Fruit (apples, bananas, oranges)
E – M: Granola Bars (Costco-size box)
N – Z: Powdered Gatorade (canister – can be found at Target & Grocery stores)
Packing List
Please check the complete packing list for all required items.
Emergency contact information
Emergency phone: (760) 249-3807 (Please call only in case of emergency)
Head Coach Mark Batres: (626) 893-6322