
We are very grateful for the 2021 sponsors of the Freedom 5K:$3000 level:

Cave Connoisseurs (private donors, friends of CXCP)

$1500 level:

$1000 level:

$750 level:

Podium Sports Performance

$500 level:

Claremont Escrow

$350 level:

In-Kind Donations:

Fleet Feet (Rancho Cucamonga, $750 in performance shoes for men's and women's race winners AND sports beans for post-race recovery)

Espiau's ($600 in burritos on July 3 for the team for volunteering)

If you frequent any of the above businesses, please be sure to pass along your thanks for their sponsorship. If you decide to visit any of them because they are sponsoring the program (and I encourage you to do so), please let them know that you heard about them through their advertising for the Freedom 5K. Many of the businesses told me that they'd love to get some feedback on their advertising.